DEALS EyeEm raised $18m for expansion plans Apr 20, 2015 EyeEm completed a funding round at which it raised 18 million dollars in order to expand it’s recently launched photo marketplace.…
DEALS Successful funding path for Acorns App Apr 17, 2015 Acorns, a micro-investment application which sets up a personalized portfolio via the collection of spare change, announced the…
DEALS Funding for network security startup Apr 17, 2015 The amount of $100 million in new financing was raised from Illumio.
DEALS Jama Software raised $ 20 mn funding Mar 31, 2015 Portland-based Jama Software today announced that it has raised a $20 million round to fuel development of its platform that helps…
DEALS 800.000 euros funds for Athens-based startup “Forky” Mar 30, 2015 Forky has achieved a deal with foreign equity funds in order to receive a 800.000 euros funding.