Participation of altoValue in the HR in Action conference

The consulting firm presented a case study on: "How Objective & Key Results – OKRs helped Qualco Group grow, aligning its people with the strategic vision and motivating them towards achieving results

altoValue, the first OKRs Consultancy in Southern Europe, successfully participated in the largest annual meeting of HR executives, in HR in Action, entitled “Natural evolution! Back to the future of HR.”

During this, altoValue presented a case study together with Qualco Group, on the topic: “How Objective & Key Results – OKRs helped Qualco Group grow, aligning its people with the strategic vision and motivating them towards achieving results”.

Specifically, the discussion between the two keynote speakers, the Co-Founder of altoValue, Senior Strategy Consultant & OKR Coach, Stavros Giannetsos and the Chief People Officer of Qualco Group, Panoraia Karanikolopoulou-MacDonald, was very popular with the participants showing particular interest in the topic.

Some of the key issues analyzed are how OKRs can be integrated into a demanding and fast-growing environment to achieve high returns and significant measurable results.

The example of Qualco proves in practice, once again, that when OKRs are properly implemented, they contribute decisively to the development of the business and the alignment of human resources.

“The presentation of the case study of Qualco Group at the HR in Action conference is very important for altoValue, because the main object of our work is the achievement of strategic goals, which is directly related to the alignment and high performance of human resources.Both the pandemic and the wider developments in the country bring to the fore the need of companies to adopt the culture of OKRs, through the framework provided by altoValue, optimizing the way they operate. So, we continue dynamically, with the aim of constantly evolving, helping businesses to grow and then presenting the most successful case studies.”, stated the Co-Founder, Senior Strategy Consultant & OKRs Coach, Stavros Giannetsos.

In addition, altoValue presents the OKRs through an interactive altoWebinar entitled: “altoWebinars: OKRs introduction to the Greek Market by altoValue“, on Tuesday, July 12, at 16:00.

Find out how Google, Nike, Walmart, Qualco and thousands of other companies achieve their strategic goals through the 1st OKRs webinar in our country. To secure your place on altoWebinar, click here.

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