ContactPigeon: The most advanced customer-engagement platform

How the collection, management and analysis of data become the "key" to the inter-channel personalized consumer experience in modern companies

The collection and analysis of the huge volumes of data moving in the modern business world represent a great opportunity to improve the productivity, sales and competitiveness of “smartcompanies, but even to create new business models. Any business that bases its advantage on big data can change the rules of competition, while facilitating innovation.The rapid evolution of eCommerce has also triggered the corresponding development of digital channels, through which retailers can now record the behavior of their customers and effectively shape their future strategy. Based on these, they have the ability to predict the possible behavior of the customer in real time.

In response to this challenge, ContactPigeon, the omnichannel marketing automation and content personalization platform for retailers that serves hundreds of business customers in the U.S., Europe and Greece, is paving the way for omni-channel customer engagement in the country, leveraging the much-discussed big data from the very first moment, with the unique platform exclusively for retailers.

The company now maintains open channels of communication with the majority of Greek consumers at a rate that exceeds 70% of the Greek market. Thus, ContactPigeon supports data-driven businesses in creating real relationships of trust with their customers. Pioneering, with a constant emphasis on innovation, ContactPigeon is a platform that offers unique solutions to e-shops or other online commercial enterprises, in order to send the right message, at the right time, with the right content to each customer / visitor, but also to offer a complete experience to the consumer.

Through automations and personalized messages, such as emails, push-notifications and on-site messages, as well as Facebook/ Google custom audiences, the online stores that collaborate with ContactPigeon have the ability to collect basic data concerning the consumer, which they can then use to increase their sales, while gaining the trust of their customers.

However, many retailers are still facing the problems of properly gathering and using this large amount of information, which acts as a deterrent to deciphering the evolving buying model that governs their customers’ behavior.

Big Data with GDPR application

ContactPigeon facilitates retailers in the complex process of collecting, storing and analyzing consumer data in-real-time. With a piece of code (tag) embedded in the website of each e-shop, the platform acquires the ability to collect, store and analyze hundreds of data points in real time on behalf of its customers and always respecting the GDPR regulations.Thus, any simple business can within a few days turn into a data-driven business and utilize its data without the complexity of installing and maintaining the necessary big data infrastructure and know-how.

Having already been recognized as a leader in the field of online marketing solutions for e-commerce, the Greek Startup has developed a new technology that “bridges” the experience of retail customers between digital and physical channels. The innovative patented technology is called 2-Way QR Integration and effectively addresses problems that have had similar implementations until today. Unlike existing applications with QR codes, ContactPigeon processes the existing digital data, displaying the most relevant content to the relevant interested party.

Customers who scan the same QR code can encounter different messages, thus allowing retailers to design targeted offers and attract prospective shoppers to various store locations. All of the above interactions are collected and make up a unified customer profile.All the above can be achieved without requiring the consumer to download any application or previous registrations, while the adoption of the technology does not require significant investments for the retailer, since it acts as an “extension” and is connected to any platform.

ContactPigeon utilizes and processes the data set on a daily basis, in order to develop the relationships of retailers with their clientele. This is achieved through automated actions, which with the use of machine learning evaluate the movements of customers in order to communicate with them at the right time with the appropriate message.The personalization of interaction is increased through dynamic content regardless of the display channel, as ContactPigeon supports all digital communication channels. This allows the creation of dynamic segments that effectively contribute to the avoidance of unnecessary, unprofitable, mass communication between the business and the customer.

Having completed 8 years of operation, ContactPigeon supports an ever-growing clientele both in the Greek market and in that of North America, always covering with uniqueness and innovation the requirements of its customers. In fact, in 2021 it collected and analyzed more than 50 billion events, which led to 2 billion personalized messages and more than 12 million customer orders.

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