AliveShoes is a powerful shoe design platform, coming from Amsterdam, the Netherlands.  It is open to everybody and allows any person to customize their own shoes.

Multiple components (soles, models, colors and materials) are offered, plus the ability to mix colors and materials, resulting in more than 50,000 combinations – this number is growing every day.

The commercial part has not been overlooked. The user has the ability to customize the labels and packaging he offers his customers so as to become unique and fit with his concept or brand.  The system also gives the opportunity to collect pre-orders so as to partly pre-fund the project.  Once the pre-order goal has been attained, the artisans of AliveShoes commence production and each customer will receive his shoes within four to six weeks.

AliveShoes gives its partners the opportunity to earn 10% revenue share, get free pairs and receive discount bonuses to build up their business.

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