Berlin & Entrepreneurship: Trend or Real Startup Hub? Synergies with Athens

Greek online business news portal hosts a discussion about Berlin’s ecosystem of entrepreneurship and startups on May 27th, Tuesday in Athens.

Yannis Salavopoulos, Deputy Director of the Economic and Commercial Section at the Embassy of Greece in Berlin and President at the Club of the Economic & Commercial Diplomats in Berlin will deliver a speech on Germany’s entrepreneurship model as well as the startup ecosystem of Berlin, a city that has been raised as one of Europe’s startup hubs.

Driving from his experience in the entrepreneurship environment in Germany, Yannis Salavopoulos will answer the question if Berlin is a real startup hub or a trending city and most importantly he will present opportunities of synergies between the Berlin scene and the raising ecosystem of Athens.

The presentation will be followed by interactive dialogue between the speaker and the guests, who will afterwards have the opportunity to network and connect with each other.

The discussion titled “Berlin, entrepreneurship and startups. Trend or real hub? Opportunities of synergies with Athens” is part of the event series “Public Startup Crash-Courses by” and is organised with Public Stores, the biggest bookstore and consumer electronics chain of Greece.

public startup crash courses

The event will be held at the Public Store, at Syntagma Square (1, Karageorgi Servias, 10563, Athens) at 19:00. The event is open and free of charge. Attendants are requested to confirm their participation by sending their name, organisation and telephone number to

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