SEKEE- HAMAC is strengthened with new companies and innovators

The actions developed over the last 12 months were presented by the Association during the Annual General Meeting of its members

Its Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, July 19, by the Hellenic Association of Innovative Applications Companies (SEKEE-HAMAC).

During the conference, the Association presented the actions it has developed over the last 12 months, having emphasized on strengthening its partnerships with innovators and expanding the list of its member companies.

“2022 was an important year for the Association. Having overcome the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have achieved one of the main goals of the Board of Directors, which is to establish partnerships with numerous bodies and organizations that promote innovation in Greece.”, said George Markatos, president of the Board of Directors of SEKEE-HAMAC.

As announced during the General Assembly, the members of SEKEE-HAMAC were enlarged with a total of 14 companies, which develop and promote innovative solutions and applications in Greece and abroad.

In particular, the new members of -SEKEE-HAMAC are the following companies:

•Clio Muse Tours
•gm395 IKE
•Hack The Box
•Rhoe Urban Technologies

During the last months, SEKEE-HAMAC has entered into new collaborations with organizations and bodies, such as the Elevate Greece Hellenic Innovation Network, the Enterprise Europe Network, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), the University of Patras, the ARCHIMEDES (NKUA) and AHEDD (Demokritos) research centers, the Pleiades Cluster of Unisystems, the NBG Business Seeds and the AI Catalyst.

Greetings during the general assembly of SEKEE-HAMAC were addressed by the president of GR. EC. A, Katerina Fraidaki, the president of HETIA, Manos Zervakis, and the president of AI Catalyst, Pavlos Sotiriadis.

In the context of the General Assembly, the members of SEKEE-HAMAC were informed by the members of the Board of Directors about one of a series of actions that took place in 2022. Indicatively, the Association co-organized with Enterprise Greece and the Ministry of Digital Governance the national mission of technology and innovation in MWC 2022 and 4YFN with the participation of 44 companies.

In addition, SEKEE- HAMAC had a presence with its own pavilion in POSEIDONIA 2022.

Furthermore, special reference was made to the successful and constructive participation of SEKEE-HAMAC in the European program C2Future, as well as to the subsidized educational program entitled “Sectoral and Functional mobile applications and the way they are used by businesses.

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