Research:  Over 50% of BTC Mining uses clean energy

Emissions from mining cryptocurrency have been criticized for their impact on global warming.

Bitcoin mining has been a controversial topic for years due to concerns about its environmental impact. In 2022, it was estimated that Bitcoin mining could account for up to 0.1% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This has prompted many to seek alternative sources of energy for their operations.

According to, over 50% of Bitcoin mining is now using clean energy sources. This shift towards renewable energy is expected to continue as more miners seek to reduce their carbon footprint in the coming years. financial analyst Edith Reads commented on the data saying, “Bitcoin mining is powered by renewable energy, such as wind, coal, gas, solar and hydroelectric power, as well as nuclear energy. By using these clean energy sources instead of traditional fossil fuels, Bitcoin mining is more sustainable and has a lower environmental impact.”

Emissions from mining cryptocurrency have been criticized for their impact on global warming. In 2020, Bitcoin mining was estimated to have used 75.4 terawatt-hours of electricity, more than the country of Austria. This energy consumption has an environmental impact and generates high carbon emissions.

The full story and statistics can be found here: Over 50% Of BTC Mining Uses Clean Energy, New Research Reveals


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