PLANET: It sets the foundation for e-mobility in Greece

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has commissioned PLANET to evaluate and formulate the conditions required for the general entry of electric vehicles on the country's roads

PLANET, which is active in the advisory market, undertook two strategic projects of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The first project concerns the Study for the national strategy for the development of electromobility in Greece, which includes the evaluation of the current situation and the short- and medium-term prospects of the market in terms of readiness to penetrate electric vehicles, as well as the formulation of requirements for the resulting vehicle charging infrastructure within the cities and on the country’s road network.

The project was commissioned by EBRD to a consortium between PLANET and the German Dornier Consulting. It is about the development of the framework that will allow the transition to sustainable road transport but also to a future with zero emissions, always in accordance with European priorities.

The second project concerns the technical, financial and legal support for the maturation and implementation with a PPP (Public and Private Partnerships) model of the irrigation network and dam of Minagiotis in the Peloponnese, which includes a reservoir with a capacity of 11 million cubic meters for the irrigation of 35,000 acres with 3,500 farmers benefiting and a budget of 98.5 million euros.

The project was commissioned by EBRD to PLANET leading an international consortium. This is a project that comes to address a basic problem of the agricultural sector, that of outdated irrigation networks, contributing to the coverage of the irrigation needs of the region, the reduction of irrigation costs and water waste.

“It is a great pleasure and responsibility for us at PLANET, to undertake these two projects that are particularly important for the country. Besides, it is a constant strategic choice of our company to claim and implement projects that contribute decisively to the implementation of policies and the achievement of national goals for green growth.”, said Christos Giannakopoulos, President and CEO of PLANET.

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