Inagros: The integrated crop management platform of the digital age

The Greek agritech Startup turns the most advanced technologies into a valuable "partner" for the modern farmer, ensuring all year round the maximum efficiency in agricultural production but also the reduction of pesticide, water and energy consumption

The most important tool that every farmer and agronomist should have today is called inagros and is the ideal solution for the modernization and organization of agricultural production. It is essentially an electronic platform that geographically correlates all the data and observations gathered by each agronomist and thanks to the combination of sensors and satellite data provides the necessary information for agricultural production and harvesting.On top of that, it actively contributes to the reduction of the environmental footprint, through the reduction of water, pesticide, fertilizer and energy consumption.

By choosing the services of inagros, those involved in land and production will benefit in many ways. Initially, they will notice an improvement in crop yields, a reduction in inputs (water, fertilizers and pesticides) as well as minimization of the risk of damage to the irrigation system.They will also have access to information that allows for faster and more accurate decision-making, such as the weather and soil conditions prevailing in each region.

In addition, accurate information on production processes and quality contributes to adapting and increasing the specificities of both the products themselves and their nutritional elements, with the future aim of linking this information to traceability systems.

The history of the application also helps to plan and predict future crop yields, as well as the value of the land.

Farmers can also benefit from the automated processes of crop management and livestock farming, because in this way production costs are significantly reduced.

Inagros was founded in 2017, after two years of preparation and since then it has won several awards for entrepreneurship and innovation. Although it originally consisted of only two people, today it has nine in its workforce and even renowned scientific engineers, agronomists, programmers, business experts and marketers.

Having recognized the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Startup continues to promote an environmental awareness for all farmers, by participating in the Social Sustainable Entrepreneurship Accelerator program, hoping to be a source of inspiration and a model for its partners, suppliers and customers, in order to pay the utmost attention to the protection of the environment and to benefit from the benefits of the land.In fact, inagros, continuing the pioneering actions that promote the philosophy of sustainability in the agricultural sector, will present within the next period of time a particularly handy guide to sustainable agriculture.

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