EU City Facility: Investments for sustainable cities

The launch of the 3rd call for applications from the EU City Facility (EUCF), an EU-funded project supporting municipalities and local authorities to accelerate investment in sustainable energy, was announced.
The 3rd call of the EU City Facility will support the development of 69 investment ideas, with a total budget of 4.14 million euros. In previous EU City call cycles, 30 investment ideas had been funded in 14 countries (1st call) and the selection of 69 successful candidates (2nd call) from 19 countries, currently in the process of signing their formal agreements. 
What is funded
THE EUCF finances the development of an Investment Idea with a fixed grant of up to 60,000 euros. Successful beneficiaries use the grant to support the activities necessary to develop the investment concept, including (technical) feasibility studies and a variety of key analyses focusing on their projects and the overall market, stakeholders, legal, economic and financial aspects.Funding is not channelled directly into investments. It covers the cost of raising the required resources and access which can open doors for subsequent investments.
Eligibility and application form
The call is open to all Municipalities and Local Authorities from the EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, as well as the United Kingdom. Candidates must have a politically approved climate and energy plan and demonstrate a political commitment to develop their investment idea through a letter of support signed by the Mayor or other relevant political representatives.

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