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Pitch vs. Idea, Entrepreneurs vs. Investors: A Talk with MIT’s Linda Plano
Linda Plano is the founder of Plano & Simple, which provides pitch and business coaching for entrepreneurs. Since 2005, she…
FIA Athens 2014: How Could Europe Grow its Own Silicon Valley
Their experiences from the biggest technology and innovation ecosystem worldwide, that being Silicon Valley, as well as their…
CAPITALS Business Circle: “Berlin Can Become the Future of International…
International entrepreneurship and global orientation combined with innovation is the future of entrepreneurship for large…
CAPITALS Business Circle is a Network that Connects Global Diplomacy and Politics Leaders with…
CAPITALS Business Circle is a newly-founded non-profit, independent organisation that aims at connecting global thinkers and…
L. Kucerova, Wayra CEE: “Tremendous Rise of Accelerators in Europe, but Too Early to Judge…
We caught up with Lenka Kucerova, deputy director at Wayra CEE, last week at The Cube Athens (one of the many new co-working…