The President of Arathos at the 15th PRIP Conference for market improvement through Blockchain

The 15th Pattern Recognition and Information Processing – PRIP2021 conference will take place online on 21-24 September 2021. The event is organised by the EaPConnect project partner UIIP-NASB, together with the Belarusian State University and the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio-Electronics.

The PRIP2021 will be held online! The sessions will be broadcast live, allowing the participation of the wider scientific community. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions live during the discussion on the PRIP YouTube channel and a specialized Telegram group.

Among the keynote speakers of the 15th International Conference on Standards Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP2021), will be Dr. Nikos Bogonikolos, Greek scientist and entrepreneur, president of the Aratos Group, who will give a talk on the subject: “Processing information for the improvement of business and marketing using Blockchain technology.

Aratos Group is one of the European companies that provides added value services at a later stage, which contributes to disaster management and internal security, thanks to its space applications and satellite services to develop various technological solutions.

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