Infrastructure-as-Code: The new approach in IT automation

In the age of cloud, cloud-native and continuous delivery, automation works for the benefit of developers and engineers who support the operation of applications and systems. Very often the management of infrastructure and IT operation is based on a combination of manual and semi-automatic actions and methods that quickly increases complexity and operational costs.Moreover, when something goes wrong during these processes, either they all have to be done from the beginning, or significant time needs to be devoted to identifying the errors.

How would we describe today a modern process of automating infrastructure and its operation, and what does it have to offer us? Automation can mean different things in different contexts, but also be interpreted in different ways.

The modern, de-facto, definition sees relative automation as a combination of good programming practices and infrastructure defined “software”, and allows the execution of repetitive tasks that until now were done manually or semi-automatically. In this light, IT automation can accelerate and simplify the provision and management of repetitive processes, offering the critical advantage of efficiency.

In other words, a modern automation approach ensures time and cost-effectiveness, while avoiding harmful errors and protecting the IT environment. This approach is known as Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC).

Speed and comfort in software development

IaC helps, on the one hand, in the transition of infrastructure management from “physical” hardware to “virtual” data centers, virtual machines, containers and cloud computing, and on the other hand, in the business operation borrowed from DevOps and other modern software development practices.

With this new approach, networks, virtual machines, load balancers, and the topology of connections are encoded according to the requirements of the system, standardizing the environments used for application development. This flexibility makes the development, deployment, and operation of software faster and easier.

Advanced IT automation solutions from HPE and Performance Technologies

As HPE Platinum Partner and one of the leading IT solution providers in Greece, Performance Technologies implements HPE’s advanced IaC solutions ensuring all the prerequisites for a successful transition to advanced IT automation environments.

Performance combines the expertise of its people with the cutting-edge technologies of a strategic partner such as HPE, providing solutions and services that reduce costs, maximize quality and ensure business continuity at all levels.

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