How do Greek workers view teleworking in the post-covid era?

Most Greeks want teleworking to continue after the pandemic, according to a new nationwide survey by Focus Bari

The majority of Greeks are in favour of teleworking provided that the nature of the profession allows it, while they consider that it is something that needs to be co-decided between employees and employers, so that the solution of teleworking is of mutual benefit. Also, the best version for those who have already tried the solution of teleworking, is to continue on a “mixed basis” after the end of the pandemic.

This emerges from a new nationwide survey by Focus Bari| YouGov in a sample of 1,000 people in the period 15-22 January 2022. Two out of five working Greeks (39%) say they have worked or are still working remotely in the last two years due to the pandemic. 7% have been working remotely since March 2020, 19% only during lockdown periods, 13% in lockdowns and some additional days, while 61% have never worked remotely.

Women (45%) have higher rates of teleworking compared to men (34%), residents of Attica (46%) compared to those of Thessaloniki (39%) and the region (34%), as well as the age groups 25-34 years (48%) and 35-44 years old (43%) compared to 38% between 45-54 years old, 37% over 55 years old and 33% under 25 years of age.

23% say they are ‘absolutely in favour’ of teleworking, 47% ‘probably in favour’, 23% ‘probably against’ and only 7% ‘absolutely against’. The highest acceptance rates of teleworking are the 25-34 year olds (51%) and those who have already tried teleworking (48%).

According to the answers to the survey, teleworking has several advantages both for employees (less time on commuting 73%, better organization of working time 43%, more time with family 36% and more quiet- less stress 35%), and for businesses (lower rents and operating costs 67%, smaller office space 64% and greater employee efficiency 31%).

However, it also seems to have some disadvantages, the main ones for employees being the alienation-lack of socialization (73%), and for employers the inability to build a strong internal climate of cooperation between colleagues (71%).

For the 39% of Greek employees who work or have worked remotely within the last two years, after the end of the pandemic, it would be best to work some days remotely and some in the office (57%), 29% want to return to the offices as before the pandemic, while 14% want teleworking to continue at 100%.

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