Honda applies Al risk prediction for zero traffic collision fatalities

Honda Motor has held the world premiere of the advanced safety technologies of the future, which it is developing in order to contribute to the creation of a society where drivers, passengers and pedestrians will not be at risk of road accidents and will enjoy the freedom offered by mobility.

Honda will strive to achieve the goal of “zero road deaths involving motorcycles and Honda cars around the world by 2050” using two key technologies.

One of these technologies is the world’s first intelligent driver assistance technology with artificial intelligence (AI) “Intelligent Driver-Assistive Technology” that provides support equivalent to the abilities and conditions of each individual, with the aim of reducing driving errors and risks and ensuring the physical integrity of the driver.

The other technology is “Safe and Sound Network Technology” which connects all road users, people and mobility products, through telecommunications, making it possible to predict potential risks and helping to avoid a collision.

With a vision of a society with zero-accidents for all road users, as reflected in the global slogan “Safety for Everyone” Honda supports the research and development of safety technologies in terms of equipment and software.

For its implementation, it will extend the use of the Honda SENSING 360, a safety and driver assistance system that detects risk from all directions, for all models sold in major markets by 2030. In addition, it will continue its efforts to expand the implementation of a motorcycle detection function and further improve ADAS (advanced driver assistance system) functions.

It will also maintain the expansion of the application of motorcycle safety technologies and the provision of safety training technologies (Honda Safety EdTech). Through them, the company will strive to reduce road deaths involving motorcycles and Honda cars by 50% worldwide by 2030.

Target “zero human error” in driving with “Intelligent Driver-Assistive Technology

Honda has analyzed the factors behind human errors through its initial study of the human brain based on fMRI technology and risk-taking behavior analysis. The system is based on driving error forecasts based on information obtained through a driver monitoring camera and on driving habits and patterns.

This technology is developed to allow every driver to reduce driving errors and enjoy mobility without feeling stressed. Honda will strive to establish key technologies by 2025 while it has already been engaged in research and development of “technologies to understand human behavior.

The “Intelligent Driver-Assistive Technology”, the first of its kind worldwide, uses sensors and cameras of ADAS systems to identify potential hazards around the vehicle, which allows artificial intelligence (AI) to detect driving hazards. At the same time, Al will determine optimal driving behavior in real time and provide support appropriate to cognitive and traffic conditions individually for each driver.

With the next generation of driver assistance functions in the research and development stage, Honda will strive to offer a new value consisting of ‘zero-error’ safety and carefreeness depending on the behaviour and condition of each driver, protecting them from potential hazards.

Subsequently, it provides operational assist.The vehicle provides artificial intelligence (AI)-based support so as not to deviate from the course and prevent delay in operations.Also, zero errors of oversight / prediction (Cognitive assist).The vehicle communicates hazards through visual, tactile and auditory sensations.

At the same time, it offers R&D phase technologies, hazard indication, seat belt control and 3D audio.Also, zero errors due to sleepy and careless driving (Attentiveness assist), the vehicle helps reduce the driver’s fatigue/drowsiness.Finally, technologies in R&D phase, biological feedback/vibration stimulation through the backrest.

Honda will further develop the “Intelligent Driver-Assistive Technology” and continue its research aimed at establishing fundamental technologies during the first half of the 2020, while during the other half it will proceed with practical applications.

Introduction of “Safe and Sound Network Technology” that connects all road users through telecommunication

The system understands/recognizes the situation and the environment where each driver and road user is located.Through the telecommunications network, information on possible traffic hazards will be gathered on the server, and will be provided by simulating the traffic environment in the virtual space.Also, the system draws the most appropriate support information, communicates it to each road user and encourages them to act to avoid potential danger before it actually happens.Additionally, Honda will accelerate collaboration of industry-public-private sectors with the goal of standardizing technology in the second half of the 2020.

In order to create a mobility society with zero accidents for all, Honda is trying to create a “cooperative safety society“, in which the use of telecommunication technologies will allow all those who share the road to connect with each other and coexist.

The information will be collected from street cameras, built-in cameras and smartphones, collected on the server to simulate the traffic environment in a virtual space

In this digital space, taking into account the circumstances and characteristics of each road user individually, the system predicts/simulates the behaviors of those at risk of conflict. The system then draws on the most appropriate support information and helps road users avoid risks

These will be intuitively communicated to car drivers, motorcycle riders and pedestrians through a “cooperative risk HMI interface that will enable the system to encourage road users to act to prevent a collision

Aiming to implement this technology in real-world conditions after 2030, Honda will build the system and complete the verification of its effectiveness in the first half of the 2020s, and then accelerate cooperation between industry and the public-private sector with a view to standardizing the technology in the second half of 2020

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