eCredit: Brings the digital revolution in housing loans

The innovative Greek platform that simplifies procedures and offers reliability, transparency and real-time information until disbursement

eCredit was founded in 2020 and after a few months of operation managed to bring a revolution in the way Greeks get a housing loan. The basic idea of eCredit is “the easy home“, which is provided through the website and solves the problem of the complexity of the mortgage loan.That is, from the first update among 7 banks of the Greek system, operating with the approval of the Bank of Greece (BoG), until the disbursement, the client statistically needs at least 10-12 visits to financial institutions, in addition to those in public services and professionals of all specialties (notaries, lawyers, etc.).

The co-founder of eCredit, Achilleas Kalyviotis, having extensive experience in the banking sector, had the idea of eCredit when he was working in a well-known Startup: there he noticed that his colleagues were constantly postponing the purchase of a new home, because it was impossible for them to find the necessary time to complete the required complex process. Thus, eCredit decided to simplify the procedures and gather them all into one integrated service, saving time and money to both the borrower and the banks: it provides a wide variety of housing products from various banks, advisory support in order for the customer to choose the housing loan that covers his needs, while he is immediately informed online if he is eligible with the loan request procedure, in order to proceed to a request electronically or hire through the platform a lawyer, notary and other professionals.

Through the online and telephone 12-hour service (Monday-Saturday), the interested party is informed about all programs by video call, submits an electronic request and monitors the progress of the lending process in all other stages until the final approval. The result is that it reduces bank visits to one or two, while eCredit’s core service is free for the end consumer.After the great interest expressed since the beginning of the operation in 2021, eCredit has now designed new innovative services, such as informing the customer about their real credit capabilities based on machine learning and PSD2 technologies and selecting properties directly through the website.

It is worth noting that eCredit recently completed the program of egg, the accelerator of Eurobank from which it gained valuable know-how, while it is also a member of Elevate Greece.

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