Seven Red Lines: The innovative provider of business data management and business intelligence solutions

Transferring the experience and lessons of major projects to services and products for small and medium-sized enterprises

The pandemic has hit the Greek economy in a period of growth, with positive fiscal figures, improved levels of confidence and easy access to international markets. The public administration was able to create sufficient fiscal space to support businesses and workers affected by the effects of the health crisis. At the same time, Greece is characterized by a low degree of digital transformation both in public services and in the private sector, the “backbone” of the Greek economy.

In addition, the small size of Greek businesses traps them in a regime of low productivity and introversion and significantly limits their ability to raise liquidity, invest and innovate. Seven Red Lines is a Startup that, although affected by the effects of the pandemic, has managed to cope, evolve and expand.

This is because it has executives with many years of experience, both technical and business, in the implementation of business intelligence solutions as well as in the processing and management of large volumes of information. This experience is reflected in the products and services it provides and are characterized by quality, reliability and speed of delivery.

The Secret of Seven Red Lines Success

The idea for the Seven Red Lines project was “born” in 2017 by Antonis Sideris and Konstantinos Kouinis with the aim of helping companies use their data to improve their organization, productivity and profitability, making the most of the experienced and specialized staff they employ. It provides Business Intelligence, Data Management and Outsourcing services and solutions and is a partner of Microsoft and MicroStrategy.

Key features that make it stand out are the customer-centric approach, modern technologies and extensive experience in the implementation of Business Intelligence systems. In its five years of operation, it has already undertaken data management and Business Intelligence projects for large companies and organizations. It has channeled this experience to its products and in particular to BASC.

The integrated solution BI

BASC is a Business Intelligence monitoring system for commercial enterprises, in which the most common data and indicators monitored by a trading company have been standardised. It is a quick and economical way for a business to start controlling the most important data of its activity.Especially at a time when it is important not to lose control of sales and at the same time to free employees and managers’ time from work of collecting and preparing reports to make decisions.

In the basic package, BASC contains a set of selected reports covering a wide range of analyses and addressed to management, commerce, sales, marketing and accounting. BASC is the first step in the intelligent transformation of a business. Seven Red Lines can expand the analytics capabilities provided by the basic package with many additional features, which are tailored to the needs and specificities of the businesses it works with. The advantages of BASC are multiple, as it can, among other things, reveal the objective image of the business directly, increase the efficiency of sellers, contribute to the retention of customers and is fully adapted to the needs and peculiarities of the business.

It is implemented in Microsoft Power BI, so it has an easy-to-use, user-friendly interface, accessible safely from browsers, tablets, or mobile phones, while providing immediate perceptible results by recouping the investment in a short period of time. Seven Red Lines is constantly investing in this product, adding new analytics and capabilities.

As far as outsourcing is concerned, Seven Red Lines works with large companies as a subcontractor in projects in the banking and insurance sector mainly. Utilizing the experience both on a technical and commercial level, it is a reliable partner that can cope with the requirements and contribute to the better performance of the wider project team.

Next steps – Information everywhere

Seven Red Lines will soon begin providing a new service in the form of SaaS, which will essentially be offered as HyperIntelligence as a Service. This is an innovation of MicroStrategy, which enriches the applications used by businesses, such as Office, Outlook, SalesForce, etc., on every medium – computer or mobile device – with small dashboards (HyperCards) that contain information about customers, suppliers, products, employees, etc.

This service brings the information of a BI report to where the executive needs it, without forcing him to interrupt what he does, helping to better make decisions and increasing productivity. Information for everyone, anytime and anywhere. Moreover, Seven Red Lines has already begun the process in order to enrich the services already provided with Data Analytics, with which specialized partners will be able to provide analyses of customer data, using advanced Machine Learning (ML) techniques.

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