We live in the future today

Each era has its own characteristics and those that in the pages of history characterize it (and will) characterize it.

Thus, we have the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the industrial revolution and in the past, of course, other periods that characterized and “marked” the history of mankind.

The current era – period – that we are going through is undoubtedly the era of the technological revolution, but has, in relation to the past, a huge difference. The generation that lives today and “builds” what is defined as a technological revolution, is not a founder, that is, it creates for the future generations and it creates for himself.

We are living, simply put, the future today! For some, of course, all of this is considered, something like a science fiction movie, but it’s not. It is the reality and now it exists around us, from the smallest to the biggest, but without counting  the time, but also the capital, that we save as societies

It may be considered simple – today – that we can print a certificate from our computer, but it is not. But we are living it!

It may be considered simple – also – that we can determine when a household appliance will be operational, but it is not. But we are living it.

The examples are simple, in our everyday life now and we live them all. In a short time – not far away – the vehicles on the roads will be driving alone!

So it would be good for us all to adapt to the new reality that is not only virtual. Technology is now here, with us and invites us to live it having the unique privilege of living two eras in parallel. The present and the future.

Let’s adapt and enjoy it! Undoubtedly in this “journey” the best “passenger” is the world of startups that offers a beautiful canvas of creativity to restless minds.

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