MedKitDoc raised 7 million euros for telemedicine services

Berlin-based MedKitDoc raised 7 million euros in funding for a healthtech platform. Remote medical examinations have expanded with MedKitDoc standing out by focusing on patients with chronic illness through a range of connected medical devices that save time for doctors.

The new funds will be used to further develop the platform and health services, as well as to continue to grow their team. Founded in 2020, MedKitDoc closed a pre-seed round of 1.7 million euros in April this year and has raised a total of 8.7 million euros .

MedDocKit’s funding was led by Vorwerk Ventures, Acton Capital together with the existing investor Picus Capital, while FlixBus’s co-founders Daniel Krauss and Jochen Engert also participated.

With the pandemic increasing the need for further digitization of many industries, healthcare is a sector that has made huge leaps and bounds to fill the gaps of the previous period. MedKitDoc, in turn, adopts a specialization approach, providing medical care to chronically ill and elderly patients.

Going even deeper into this specialization, the Startup has assembled a package of Bluetooth-enabled medical diagnostic devices , such as a blood pressure monitor and a stethoscope. These devices not only provide remote physicians with almost real-time medical data, but at the same time, the relevant data is automatically inserted into the patient’s file, saving doctors many hours of paperwork. MedDocKit thus aims to improve the quality of life of both patients and doctors.

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