Climate change: Top 10 trends that will change the future

Developments in the field of technology and the serious consequences that climate change will cause in the not too distant future have a serious impact on the daily lives of consumers.

Advances in technology are now more evident than ever. Digitization, AI, machine learning, AR, VR, etc., are just some of the achievements of the modern era that aim to improve and simplify the quality of life but could be allies in tackling climate change that is just around the corner.

Ericsson presented the top 10 trends among consumers affected by climate change

Cost cutters

The cost of living is rising every day and consumers are looking for ways to save money. In this fight they seem to have digital services as an ally in an effort to limit the costs of food, energy, travel, while climate change is knocking on the door.

Unbroken connections

The pandemic has made the need for fast and reliable internet imperative. It was the only way to communicate with relatives and friends. It also ensured the continuation of work even remotely.

The reliable and unhindered use of the internet is generally imperative from now on with the increase of extreme weather events that threaten, among other things, contact with the world and the possibility of being cut off in case the internet “goes down.”

No-rush mobility

Daily activities will be planned based on cost rather than time as energy efficiency will change the data of daily flexibility as we knew it until today.

S(AI)fe Keepers

Artificial intelligence has already entered our lives, in many ways. Climate change is a fact and an AI weather warning system could save lives and help avoid disasters.

New working climate

Flexibility at work is another issue that arose after the pandemic with most employees wanting to maintain this possibility in the future.

More and more companies are adopting green tactics to reduce their environmental footprint, with digitization being a one-way street in this direction.

“Smart” water

At a time when smart systems are everywhere and are spreading rapidly, the concept of smart could not be missing from the big issue of water scarcity.

Sensors that will monitor water consumption in the house will provide a solution to the reduction of water reserves.


Renewable energy is the most cost-effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and replace fossil fuels.

Digital services are expected to provide a solution and reduce rising energy costs.

Less is more, digital

Overconsumption is a phenomenon of modern times, which in turn contributes to the increase in cost and energy. In contrast, in the digital world, in-app and video game purchases have no environmental impact.


Excursions to nature will probably turn into a luxury since traveling to places with severe or extreme weather conditions may become impossible, while the increase in the cost of a trip and the environmental footprint will be deterrents.

The top 10 is complemented by a trend with a negative sign:

Climate cheaters

Although concern about climate change is general and growing, there are people who believe they will find ways to bypass the hassle or higher prices due to tighter environmental restrictions or rising energy and water costs.

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