DEALS Fast expansion for Blacklane Apr 20, 2015 36 new cities in the United States and Canada were added recently at Blacklane, a global professional driver service.
DEALS EyeEm raised $18m for expansion plans Apr 20, 2015 EyeEm completed a funding round at which it raised 18 million dollars in order to expand it’s recently launched photo marketplace.…
DEALS Successful funding path for Acorns App Apr 17, 2015 Acorns, a micro-investment application which sets up a personalized portfolio via the collection of spare change, announced the…
DEALS Funding for network security startup Apr 17, 2015 The amount of $100 million in new financing was raised from Illumio.
NEWS Dell in close cooperation with startups in Netherlands Apr 17, 2015 After running with enormous success it’s "Center for Entrepreneurs" during the last 5 years in a number of countries (e.g. USA,…