DEALS LAUNCHUB IS MEETING WITH GREEK DIGITAL STARTUPS IN ATHENS Oct 30, 2013 LAUNCHub, a seed fund based in Sofia, Bulgaria, is visiting Athens on November 5th, in order to meet with the most aspiring…
STARTUPS SPONSORPAY: SOLUTIONS FOR SMARTER AD MONETIZATION Oct 30, 2013 SponsorPay ( stimulates the app economy by building solutions for smarter ad monetization. Their…
STARTUPS GEORGE CONCIERGE: MOBILE APPS FOR HOTELIERS Oct 30, 2013 The Online Concierge GmbH ( develops mobile applications for hotels. Their toolkit allows the…
STARTUPS LONDON’ S TECH CITY ROLLS OUT THE RED CARPET FOR MICROSOFT’ S START UP PROGRAM Oct 30, 2013 Microsoft is the latest international giant to join forces with London’ s Tech City cluster with a new start up program focusing…