Accenture & AUEB innovative partnership puts an end to brain drain

The common goal of the two sides is to strengthen the connection of students and graduates of the University with the wider labor market, as well as the latest business trends, the support of entrepreneurship and the strengthening of research activities

The Athens University of Economics and Business and Accenture signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of connecting the academic community with the market and developing joint initiatives to address the skills gap.

The common goal of the two sides is to strengthen the connection of students and graduates of the University with Accenture and the wider labor market, as well as the latest business trends, the support of entrepreneurship and the strengthening of research activities.

“Our cooperation with AUEB is proof of our strong desire to strengthen our relations with the leading academic institutions in Greece. The convergence of the academic community and the market to address the country’s skills gap is a necessity and an opportunity and in this direction the role of the Athens University of Economics and Business is extremely important.I am convinced that our partnership will produce strong results for all stakeholders and will contribute positively to the reduction of the brain drain”, pointed out the President and CEO of Accenture, Dr. Kyriakos Sabatakakis.

On the basis of the MoU, the two parties agreed to undertake a series of initiatives in a wide range of fields including:

•Internship Program

•Webcasts and articles on AUEB News on a variety of topics (e.g. technological trends, inclusion and diversity).

•Events related to career and networking


•Retraining / Upskilling Programs

•Joint studies and research initiatives

•Corporate social responsibility initiatives

“With very careful steps and high selection criteria, we enter into partnerships with leading companies operating in Greece and abroad, providing students and graduates of AUEB with a wide range of development and career opportunities.The new innovative collaboration with Accenture supports the Foundation’s initiatives for the development of entrepreneurship, enhances employment and highlights new research paths.”, noted after the signing of the memorandum of understanding, the Rector of AUEB, Professor Dimitris Bourantonis.

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