The presence of women in the technology sector is significantly low

In the context of the "Women in Tech Greece" initiative, the need to encourage women to become involved and develop in the field of technology was particularly discussed

Women cover only 25% of jobs, while only 3% of them are in positions of responsibility and leadership. This conclusion was drawn at the first two online events of the initiativeWomen in Tech Greece” organized by the National Network of Infrastructures for Technology and Research (GRNET SA), an agency of the Ministry of Digital Governance, within the framework of the initiative “Women in Tech Greece”, with the aim of informing and raising awareness among women of opportunities and challenges related to careers in the field of technology.

Although important steps have been taken in terms of informing and engaging women in the technology sector, the proportions of both women employed in the sector and those in high-level positions are at low levels. In fact, what has been pointed out is that unless the equal participation of women in the technology sector is strengthened, the rapid increase and the creation of new jobs created by the development of technology will contribute to the further increase of the digital gender gap.

The following were highlighted as the main axes of actions and proposals discussed at these events aiming at the development of digital skills and the overall encouragement of women for their involvement and development in the field of technology:The promotion of positive female role models that are distinguished in technologies through networks of interconnectivity, support and mentoring actions, aiming at the empowerment of girls and young women, the education and development of digital skills from the first school years and throughout the duration of formal and informal education with the aim of eliminating gender stereotypes.In addition, the lifelong education of women is necessary, aiming at their continuous training and development professionally, as well as the development of synergies between the State, the labour market and civil society for joint initiatives and actions aimed at informing and raising awareness about equal access to professions in the field of Technology and the assumption of positions of responsibility.

It should be noted that the two events were attended by the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, responsible for Demographic Policy and Family, Maria Syrengela, the General Secretary for Digital Governance and Simplification of Procedures, Leonidas Christopoulos, the President of GRNET SA, Stefanos Kollias, and the General Secretary for Demographic Policy and Family and Gender Equality, Calypso Goula.

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