Rakuten Viber and WHO cooperate to improve Women’s Health

Rakuten Viber, a world leader in messaging and voice communication, has partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO) for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and presents the Women’s Health chatbot.

Women and girls worldwide have less access to health services, as they are discriminated on the basis of sociocultural factors. Recognizing this condition, the Women’s Health Chatbot will provide valuable information and advice on a variety of health issues, starting with the prevention of breast cancer.

When a Viber user becomes a member of the WHO’s Women’s Health Chatbot, they will receive a welcome message with links concerning information about Breast Cancer. A user can click on the buttons for advice on the risks, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease. They can also click on a button that leads them to a guide that explains step by step how to do breast self-examination.

Viber and WHO initiative brings health information at the click of a button while the chatbot responds with additional information.Also, language options are available in English, Russian, Ukrainian, Hungarian and Greek, while other languages will be added.Finally, colorful stickers with slogans that inspire and vivid stickers with positive messages raise awareness among users about women’s issues will be added.

“We are excited to be working with the WHO on this very important project to support women’s health.There are parts of the world where women and girls are prevented from speaking out about health issues such as breast cancer, menstruation and pregnancy. We are happy to help these women find the information they need and to support them with positive messages.”, said Anna Znamenskaya, Chief Growth Officer at Rakuten Viber.

“Public education is one of the most important interventions we can make to get better results in women’s health issues, such as breast cancer,” stated Bente Mikkelsen, Director of the Department of Non-Communicable Diseases at the World Health Organization. “Knowledge saves lives.”

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