Papastratos: It announced the first Single Sustainability Report

PAPASTRATOS announced a milestone development for the company: the Single Sustainability Report. This is the first Single Report published by Papastratos and at the same time the first among the markets of Philip Morris International. Staying true to its vision for a world without cigarettes , the company opens a new page in the consistent and comprehensive information of all company Stakeholders on actions and goals, as well as the integration of ESG criteria (Environment, Society, Governance) in all its operation and business decisions.

In the 90 years of its history, Papastratos unceasingly proves that it is deeply acquainted with the evolutionary changes that aim at a better world for all. But how can you change the world if you do not change yourself first?

Answering this crucial question, it decided to take on its responsibility and radically transform its operation, guided by science and technology. It was transformed from a tobacco industry into a technology company, which today produces exclusively innovative tobacco products, of potentially reduced risk.

The vision of Papastratos and Philip Morris International is a cigarette-free world , the positive impact of which on public health is undeniable. At the same time, as one of the largest and most historic companies in Greece, it accepts the imperative request for its operation to offer more to society and the country as part of a broader corporate vision. For this company it is not another challenge, it is the only challenge and it intends to manage it through its strategy for sustainable development.

Specifically, the sustainable development strategy announced last summer, on the 90th anniversary of its operation, is based on 5 pillars, with clear and measurable implementation goals and performance indicators (KPIs) that are Public, Transparent and Binding.

The first Single Report of Sustainable Development of Papastratos has at its core respect, responsibility and transparency. Specifically, it presents in detail the actions of the company, for each of the 5 pillars for the implementation of its commitments towards the goals for sustainable development of the United Nations. The company relies on GRI sustainability report standards.

Its main points include:

Pillar 1: Product Innovation

Papastratos’ goal is to have 1,500,000 fewer smokers in Greece by the end of 2025 . Either by quitting, or by turning to alternatives, better compared to cigarette products.
In July 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the sale of IQOS to the United States as a “differentiated risk product suitable for promoting public health.”
310,000 smokers have adopted IQOS, which is available in 24 exclusive IQOS stores and 21,000 points of sale (December 2020 data).

Pillar 2: Exemplary Operation

It strengthens the Greek economy with over  1 billion euros contribution to state funds representing 1.7% of the regular budget revenue.
Its turnover for 2020 amounts to  1.3 billion euros, with net income from IQOS reaching 67%. 
It contributes to the fight against the illegal trade in tobacco products by having allocated more than  5.5 million euros in actions to combat the illegal trade and raise public awareness.

Pillar 3: Employees and Associates

It works for a work environment without accidents (Mission Zero).
Papastratos has a total of 823 employees, 24% of whom are women .
83% of the new recruitments are people aged 30-50 years.
88% of Papastratos employees were covered by the Business Collective Agreement.
-It has invested in the training of our employees by carrying out 9,000 hours of training with a total cost of  142,715 thousand euros.
It has received, for another year, the certification “Employer of equal opportunities” from the international organization Equal Salary Foundation that ensures equal payment for men and women and equal opportunities for promotion.
-It was awarded as a “Top Employer” in Greece by the internationally recognized organization Top Employer Institute.
-It signed the “Diversity Charter”, an initiative of the European Commission.
It increased parental leave for both parents.
It gave 5 days paid leave to each employee, for the corresponding time he has offered in voluntary actions of his choice, outside working hours .
It certified IQOS stores as “CoVid-Shield” by the independent certification body TÜV Austria.
It has supported the 21,000 Small Retail companies through the “We Continue Together” program which provided them with liquidity of 10 million euros.

Pillar 4: Environment

It has an Environmental Management system, certified according to ISO 14001 in the unit of Aspropyrgos. It achieved a reduction in its key indicators, namely:


61,415 MWh of energy consumption, with 100% of the electricity coming from RES.


No waste ended up in a landfill
It achieved 64% recycling and composting
It contributed to the Hellenic Utilization and Recycling Company (EEAA) with an amount equal to the value of 96 recycling waste trucks.


124,968 m3 water consumption
Certification according to the international standard “Alliance for Water Stewardship-AWS”

Pillar 5: Society

It made investments worth 1,200,000 euros to the local community in Greece, with beneficiaries:

4 ministries
5 local municipalities
7 NGOs
15,000 retail stores
Public servants of specific categories

It contributed to the national fight against the pandemic by donating medical equipment. Specifically, it donated:

51 respirators
800,000 masks
1,500,000 gloves

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