Funzi HUB 101: Online Women’s Entrepreneurship Program

The program aims to strengthen women in entrepreneurship

Code on the Road (COR) is still accepting registrations for the online women’s entrepreneurship course Funzi Founder 101 Hub.

The course is free but there is limited capacity and the deadline for registration is until midnight on Thursday, March 24, 2022. The compulsory orientation session will then take place on Saturday, March 26, 2022 with the course starting on Monday, March 28, 2022, which will be taught in English and lasts for 7 weeks.

The program offers women and girls the opportunity to enroll in the award-winning Funzi Founder 101 Hub entrepreneurship course, which is sponsored by the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Athens.

This innovative course is therefore open to all women and girls, combining learning directly via mobile phone with weekly online sessions by Funzi instructor Dimitris Papadakis.

These weekly online sessions also include guest speakers, whom students can listen to and interact with. All it takes is a mentality “carpe diem“, a mobile phone and internet access.

COR chose this flexible way to monitor and participate in the program bearing in mind that not all women and girls have laptops, but most have smartphones, recognizing that equal opportunities are important at this level.

After all, the mobile phone is both convenient and effective especially for a working mother, a student or a woman who wants to take part in similar courses from wherever she is and wants to improve herself, using the significant time she spends using the smartphone to learn and not just scroll through social media.

The students also participate in the 100 Mentors, with whom COR collaborates, an organization based in Greece that provides free guidance for proper decision-making.

The aim is to empower women and girls who are ready to start their own business or simply wish to learn more about the world of entrepreneurship and the intellectual skills necessary to become their own boss, now or in the future.

As for the innovative educational platform Funzi, this is an important means of accessing a well-structured and digestible educational content, so that the participants, regardless of their background, gain a proper understanding of the basic principles of successful entrepreneurship, putting their own ideas on track.

At the same time, the platform allows participants to manage when and how they will consume its content, as they can connect from any device – especially from mobile phones while on the go or comfortably from their home – and continue exactly where they left off the other day, even if they were using another device (e.g. laptop).

As the focus is on supporting female entrepreneurship, it is certain that there is an untapped workforce. Women tend to be more innovative and highly capable of solving complex problems, being equally gifted with leadership skills.

Also, the fact that women have a better sense of the work-life balance is something that has been missing from the market in recent times and therefore they need to invest overall. The main point to do this is the development of female entrepreneurship as a win-win situation both for women around the world and for the markets and that is exactly what the program comes to offer.

More information here

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