Cosmote aims for zero carbon footprint by 2025

COSMOTE aims for zero carbon footprint in its facilities by 2025, recognizing that climate change affects life on the planet, but also the entire range of economic activities.

At the same time, through its business and digital technologies, it plays a key role in the transition to a zero-carbon economy and a better world for all.

OTE Group, having sustainable development at the core of its business strategy, has created the right conditions to effectively contribute to the sustainability of the planet and its people. The main priorities of OTE Group’s sustainable development strategy are the improvement of its environmental and social footprint, as well as the equal access of all citizens to the digital world.

Actions on climate change and the environment focus on tackling climate change, the green network, saving natural resources by integrating the principles of the circular economy, and ICT services with a low carbon footprint.

New climate change targets

In 2021, OTE Group committed to contribute at Deutsche Telekom Group level to the achievement of new climate change goals, so that it can reach zero carbon footprint earlier.

Specifically, it aims at:

Zero carbon footprint from energy consumption in its facilities until 2025. This includes emissions from the consumption of natural gas, diesel and petrol as well as emissions from electricity consumption.

Zero carbon footprint by 2040. This includes emissions from both the Group’s operation and the production of the products to their use by customers.

100% use of renewable energy sources for electricity consumption and for the future.

Already, as of 2020, OTE Group has achieved 100% electricity consumption coming from renewable energy sources. Today we are talking about a green network – Green COSMOTE network – through which it provides its services. The Group’s total emissions decreased by 85% in 2021 compared to 2017.

In order for OTE Group to reach zero carbon footprint, it focuses, among other things, on:

– Use of renewable energy sources.
Actions to save energy throughout the range of its activities.
Use of ICT products and services with a small environmental footprint.

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