Women TechEU: 10 million euros for Women Startuppers

New call for grants to Startups led by women, by the European Commission
Women TechEU: 10 million euros for Women Startuppers

Yesterday (21/6/2022) the European Commission launched the second call for proposals “Women TechEU“, following the successful first pilot project of 2021. This year, funding of 10 million euros will be provided, as well as business acceleration services for up to 130 ultra-advanced Startups, led by women, with the aim of becoming tomorrow’s technological leaders.

The Programme is funded under Horizon Europe’s European innovation ecosystems, with the support of the European Innovation Council (EIC).

“The response to the first pilot project was very positive, with almost 400 applications received from across the EU and from the associated countries. I am particularly proud that today we are supporting 50 ambitious companies, led by women, from 16 countries. This is a huge step in the right direction, to bridge the gender gap in the area of advanced technology and to encourage women to realise their potential. The DNA of EU innovation should be based on the ultra-advanced technology companies, led by women. This year we will support even more companies.”, said Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel.

Women TechEU provides support to women-led Startups at the earliest and most sensitive stage of their development. In addition to a grant of 75 million euros, the finalists receive guidance and mentoring through the EIC’s women’s leadership programme.

Applications are accepted until October 4, 2022, at 18:00 Greek time. Women TechEU is one of the EU’s initiatives to support and empower women in the fields of technology and innovation, such as the EU’s annual Innovative Women Award and the new EIC Programme for Women’s Leadership. More information is available here

APPLICATIONSEuropean Commission callEuropean Innovation CouncilgrantguidanceHorizon EuropementoringWomen StartuppersWomen TechEU