Wolt is donating 1 million euros for humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Wolt is donating 1 million euros for humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Wolt expresses its disappointment with the actions of the Russian government in Ukraine, which are in stark contrast to international law and everything that Wolt stands for as a company. With this move, Wolt shows its thoughts to those affected by this conflict.

However, because for Wolt its thoughts are not enough for the people of Ukraine, Wolt is donating 1 million euros to humanitarian relief organisations, as well as doubling the donations of its employees to humanitarian organizations up to 500,000 euros.

At the moment, it also needs to be by the side of the people who are most affected by the conflict to provide them with any help. That’s why the company also utilizes its application and collects through it donations for international NGOs specializing in the provision of humanitarian aid, such as the Hellenic Red Cross.

More information about Wolt’s actions can be found here

donationhumanitarian aidUkraineWolt