WIND invites young people to start their business journey together

WIND invites young people to start their business journey together

The 4th cycle of the WIND Young TalentsGraduate Trainee Program has begun, giving the opportunity to graduates, who love technology and have digital skills, up to 28 years old, to start their career in telecommunications and become members of WIND’s dynamic team, contributing to the digital transformation of the country.

According to WIND’s announcement, for 2021-22 the WIND Young Talents program will highlight the next generation of talent, integrating 10 young people into the team who will enrich the company’s potential in different departments. WIND, placing constant emphasis on digital mindset, evolves the development process of Graduate Trainees, in order to gain a complete work experience lasting 18 months, utilizing digital capabilities, modern trends in human resource management, as well as tools that contribute to the enhancement of candidates’ skills and talents. Upon completion of the program and having gained a multifaceted understanding of the company, they occupy organic positions in the subject they are interested in.

“WIND Young Talents is an innovative program for the integration and development of new talent in modern entrepreneurship. It is an institution inextricably linked to WIND’s values, a practical and consistent commitment of the company’s people to partner with the new generation that has a passion for new technologies. We invite all young people who want to experience the exciting world of telecommunications and envision to become participants in the digital leap of the country, to submit their applications to the 4 th cycle of WIND Young Talents. It will be our pleasure and honor to give us the opportunity to get to know them and to amaze us with their passion, knowledge and dynamics”, said Gerasimos Karmiris, Senior Human Resources Manager of WIND Hellas.

Procedure for participation in the 4th cycle WIND Young Talents

• Participation in the 4th cycle of the program starts with the application that interested parties can submit until December 14th electronically, at the

On the page interested parties will find detailed information about the conditions of participation and the selection stages followed by the company.

• The management and evaluation of the applications will be done by WIND’s Human Resources team and at each stage there will be communication between the company and the candidates.

• The selection process of the 10 new Young Talents is expected to be completed in January 2022

•The candidates who will stand out will be hired at WIND on an open-ended contract and will begin their professional “journey”, discovering the different teams and functions of the company and the exciting world of telecommunications.

Graduate Trainee Programnext generationWIND Young TalentsWork experience