Volton invests in youth innovation

The company supports the initiative of the Municipality of Kalamata, which brings together the young people of the city with new technologies and green energy
Volton invests in youth innovation

Volton sponsored the 1st Robotics & Intelligent Systems Festival organized by the Municipality of Kalamata.

The final phase of the competition was completed on Saturday, July 2 at a special event in the central square of the city.

The festival aimed at the active involvement of young people in the submission of proposals for the creation of climate-neutral cities.

Volton, as a company that is already implementing an important investment plan towards green energy, supports initiatives that enhance this transition especially when they include groups of young people.

Specifically, in the 1st Festival of Robotics & Intelligent Systems participated a total of 20 groups and more than 250 children from all over Greece, who attended a series of educational activities and thematic units under the guidance of professors from Greek and foreign Universities.

“Green energy is at the core of our action and as an organization we seek to support every initiative that educates about the value and necessity of renewable energy sources.The Festival of Robotics & Intelligent Systems of the Municipality of Kalamata with the participation of youth groups, is an excellent action and we are really proud to have participated in this initiative in practice. The freshness of young people, the experience of university professors and the intention of the Municipal Authority to strengthen the effort to find green technological solutions for our cities, are things that certainly lead to the success and continuation of the institution.”, said Katerina Gini, Marketing Communications Director of Volton.

1st Robotics & Intelligent Systems Festivalclimate-neutral citiesgreen energynew technologiesVoltonyouth innovation