Viva Wallet: Loans up to 100 million euros per minute with just a few “clicks”

Depending on the dynamics of the business and the volume of card transactions, loan options with a repayment period of 6 to 12 months are automatically displayed
Viva Wallet: Loans up to 100 million euros per minute with just a few “clicks”

Viva Wallet launches a new financing solution.

The Viva Advance Financing service is addressed to thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises through the Group’s subsidiary bank, Vivabank.

The innovative solution ensures small loans – directly and easily to businesses in need. Viva “democratizes” the loan, without additional hidden charges.

A program of countless privileges, Viva Advance Financing minimizes the disbursement time, the cost of payment is fixed and the repayment will be made electronically from the percentage of the daily sales made with cards.The coverage of the loan is completed without additional commitments for the business!

Depending on the dynamics of the business and the volume of card transactions, automatic lending options ranging from 5 thousand up to 100 million euros, with a repayment period of 6 to 12 months, with fixed and known in advance repayment costs, without any other hidden charges.

The process is simple! All you have to do is quickly make a loan application online, in case you have a business account. Otherwise, it is necessary to register the company in the Viva system and neobank undertakes the rest.

Easy, fast, digital!

“Viva Advance Financing is the solution to the problem that small businesses have to find quickly and without unnecessary bureaucracy, funding for their emergency or planned business needs. Based on their reliability and the value of their card transactions, and without the freezing of their other assets as a guarantee, businesses now gain access to capital for their growth. Like all Viva Wallet products, Viva Advance Financing is fully implemented electronically with innovative processes and aims to change the landscape of lending processes in Greece and gradually in the other countries of Viva Wallet’s presence in Europe,” noted Makis Antipas, CEO of Vivabank and co-founder of Viva Wallet.

financing solutionloanssmall and medium-sized enterprisesViva Advance FinancingViva WalletVIVABANK