Uni Systems, TETRAGON and Mobics establish Museotek for remote tour of museums

Uni Systems, a member of the Quest Group, has announced the establishment jointly with TETRAGON and Mobics of Museotek, which through its digital platform, provides schools with the opportunity to tour museums, collections and other cultural sites remotely and in real time.

According to a relevant announcement, Uni Systems, TETRAGON and Mobics, companies with significant experience and expertise in informatics, culture, holistic branding and design and internet services respectively, have created a practical, easy-to-use and completely interactive digital platform, through which students from all over Greece and abroad (schools of the Diaspora) can visit the museum and the cultural space of their choice and tour the exhibits with the help of specialized curators and museum educators.

With the service “The Museum at School“, based on the Museotek platform, the curator from the side of the museum is invited to transfer images and knowledge to the school room through a lively, dynamic and personalized communication with the students, who respectively enjoy the integrated educational experience through specially designed educational programs and touring scenarios with rich audiovisual material.

The overall educational process, which is fully interactive, supports the educational work and simplifies the procedures for organizing educational excursions, enabling schools located in remote or out of Greece areas to visit museums of large urban centers, as well as schools of large cities to visit regional museums.This way, the extroversion of both schools and museums is enhanced, while at the same time the economic viability of museums and cultural sites that have been significantly affected during the pandemic by the large reduction in ticket sales is supported.

Museotek has started its commercial activity with the platform having completed its pilot phase and being open to the general public. More information is available on the museotek.net

MobicsMuseotekMUSEUMSTETRAGONtourUni Systems