Less than one month to go to TechPeaks Investors Day on December 2, in Trento – Italy. John Bradford, Managing Director of TechStars London, will be speaking at the Investor Panel, while 20+ startups will be pitching. The event will take place in Teatro Cuminetti in Trento.

TechPeaks program startups
Ciceroos – semantic search & discovery of places based on interests and contexts.
Memeoirs – the very first webapp that allows you to turn your online messages into a book.
Genialis – machine learning method for gene recommendation in biotech markets
Flowsby – keep users on ecommerce sites by providing contextual product information directly on the sales page
NTice – find mutual attraction with people going to the same event
Mapnaut – create your curated subjective map, where your personal places get the relevance they deserve
YoCrowd – Mobile crowdsourcing as a service: YoCrowd helps companies to engage their audiences with customizable mobile and web solutions for crowdsourcing information
Groupiphany– the best and most relevant tool to discover places
Snapclip – browser based video editor
Snippr – experience discovery platform where you can read all the blogs and articles by your favourite writers – a platform that facilitates celebrity-driven fundraising
Learnpeaks – helps parents educate their children with fun thanks to combining tangible toys (cubes, figures) with computer vision technologies.
Wedu – solve problems through quick and effective advices online
Skilltide – connects developers and designers with companies offering food, accommodation or travel expenses in exchange for professional services
RocketStart – a marketing platform for SMB companies that provides core tools to conduct a marketing campaign across different channels with just a click.
Fannabee – engage collectors through an innovative user experience and give them a professional tool to show to be the number 1 fan.
OpenProf – a community of selected teachers to offer free and premium educational content
Rabidfish Technologies – a platform which provides psychometric tests combined with serious game mechanics and data driven analysis to help companies recruit high performance Gen-Y employees
Pubbaloo – a tool for pub owners to easily organize games that will attract more customers in their pubs thanks to in-app notifications
0Bit – games for iOS devices using our own platform that has built-in game mechanics, social components, gamification and analytics
SkyBerry – a platform for crowd-sourced flight deals
Practicera – education based on acquisition particular skills during the project/task execution.
STS – Standalone security solution provided under license fee to enterprises and institutions
Feetlot – Feetlot tells online shoppers how shoes fit based on shoes they already own
Quoota – online platform that allows users to read, discover and share quotes

10:30 – 11:15 Registrations
11:30 – 12:00 TechPeaks: what is a People Accelerator? – Paolo Lombardi and Evan Nisselson (TechPeaks Team)
12:00 – 12:50 Fire-Pitches: 90 seconds pitches!
13:00 – 13:45 Break
14:00 – 14:20 4 Pitches
14:20 – 14:55 TechPeaks 2014 – what’s coming
14:55 – 15:15 4 pitches
15:20 – 16:45 Break
16:45 – 17:30 Investor Panel:
– Jonathan Bradford, Managing Director, TechStars
– Evan Nisselson, LDV Capital, Investor
17:30 See you in 2014!
