Transitional Waste Management has begun in the Region of the Peloponnese

The transitional management will last up to 14 months and after the start of integrated management, it will be the most modern waste management unit in the country and one of the most modern in Europe
Transitional Waste Management has begun in the Region of the Peloponnese

A new era for waste management in the Region of the Peloponnese starts with the arrival of the first garbage trucks of the Municipality of Tripoli at the Transitional Management Unit in Paleochouni, which will serve Arcadia, Corinthia and Argolida.

For the first time, waste from the Peloponnese is not directed to landfills or uncontrolled areas, burdening the environment and threatening public health, but is being promoted towards robust and safe management in the new modern unit that began operating in Arcadia.

The transitional management will last up to 14 months and after the start of the integrated management, it will be the most modern waste management unit in Greece and one of the most modern in Europe. Among the multiple advantages of the new plant is the fact that the Landfill is located near the plant, which allows to minimize the transport of waste and residue.

The launch of the Transitional Waste Management was realized by the recent signing of the amended Public-Private Partnership Agreement (PPP) for the Integrated Waste Management of the Region of the Peloponnese, between the Region of the Peloponnese and the Environmental Peloponnese, a member company of Terna Energy Group.

By putting the project into full operation, at least 65% of the biodegradable materials will be utilized, 50,000 tons of liquid waste will be diverted from landfilling, green energy will be produced to serve the needs of 6,000 households, while avoiding the release of 24,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Also, due to the project, 800 jobs will be created during the construction period and 200 permanent jobs during the period of operation (27 years). These do not include the indirect jobs that will be created (transport, marketing of recyclables, accommodation of staff, environmental excursions of schools, etc.)

In total, this is an investment of 152 million euros (62.5 million NSRF subsidy), which provides for the construction and operation of three (3) Transitional Management Units and three (3) Waste Treatment Plants with a total capacity of 200,000 tn/year.Also, three(3) Landfills and two (2) Waste Transfer Stations.

The Transitional Management Units/Waste Treatment Plants-Landfills have been located in Arcadia, Messinia and Laconia and the Waste Transfer Stations in Korinthia and Argolida, so that the receipt of waste takes place at a distance of less than 50 km. from the capitals of the prefectures of the Region, contributing to the minimization of transport by the Municipalities.

The project, using state-of-the-art technology, implements the largest part of the Regional Waste Management Plan of the Peloponnese, operates in parallel and complementary to the Local Recycling Plans at the source of the Municipalities and the best circular economy practices are applied.

circular economygreen energyTerna Energy GroupTransitional Waste Managementwaste managementWaste Treatment Plants