These are the Greek inventors who excelled or distinguished in the OBI competition.

These are the Greek inventors who excelled or distinguished in the OBI competition.

After evaluating approximately 200 applications, the Industrial Property Organisation announced the selected inventors who will be awarded at the Agency’s 4th Awards on June 23, 2021.

According to the announcement, the awards will be given to three inventors categories, first to those as part of a research project on behalf of a university or Research Center, second as employees in a small and medium enterprise and third as individuals.

The awards will also be given to inventions covering a wide range of technological fields, such as Renewable Energy Sources, Electromagnetic Energy, Orthodontic Medicine, Medicine, Agri-Nutrition, and inventors from different geographical areas of the country, such as Attiki, Thessaloniki, Ioannina, Patras and Rethymnon.

Specifically, the inventions and inventors to be awarded are

Category: As part of a research project on behalf of a university or Research Center

Title of Invention: Manufacturing method of
an integrated plasma-photon biosensor and apparatus

– Tsiokos Dimitrios
– Pleros Nikos
– Dabos George
– Ketzaki Dimitra
– Anna Lena Giesecke

Title of Invention: Electrically conductive hydrogels based on polyethiophene
complexes, Multi (Sodium Acrylate) for Bioelectronic Applications 

– Grigoriou Vassilios
– Hochos Christos
– Spanos Michael

Category: Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)

Title of invention: Composite removable mobile beehive base

– Vassilios Kostamenas
– Michael Angelis

Title of invention: Automatic wind and photovoltaic energy storage
system for uninterruptible power generation and energy autonomy

– Pittas Nikolaos

Category: Independent Person

Title of invention: High entropy alloys and transient element alloys as test
elements for the construction of new magnetic phases for permanent magnets

– Niarchos Dimitrios

Title of invention: Extraoral Orthopedic Apparatus for
Direct Traction of the Upper and Indirect Lower Jaws

– Koutzoglou Stylianos
– Koutzoglou Eleni