The war in Ukraine has affected the shopping habits in Greece

The war in Ukraine has affected the shopping habits in Greece

After almost two and a half years of the pandemic, Europe is moving into the uncharted waters of major adjustments in the energy market, inflation that is increasing and is increasingly affecting our daily lives and the war in Ukraine creating new psychological and market conditions throughout Europe. In this uncertain and unstable environment, fashion markets are no exception with GLAMI, the largest fashion search platform capturing the views of consumers from 9 European countries in its most recent survey conducted between 12 and 20 April with the participation of more than 26,000 GLAMI visitors (4,423 Greeks).

50% of Greeks plan to spend at least as much as last year on clothing and footwear purchases this spring. Although 69% of respondents perceive an increase in the prices of fashion products, 50% do not consider it capable of making them spend less than in 2021.The survey also found that 43% of Greeks plan to spend less than in 2021 with the majority of them generally reducing fashion markets (62%) or remaining at the same purchasing levels but looking for cheaper prices (23%). Most of those who intend to increase their spending (38%), would like to buy more or even more expensive pieces, while 27% would buy fewer products but at higher prices.

Greeks appear worried about the war in Ukraine

When asked about how they believe the war affected their purchases of clothing and footwear, 71% of Greeks (the highest percentage among the 9 countries surveyed) replied that they spend less to save money in case the situation escalates. Impressively, 11% responded that they are thinking of shopping for more basic items such as socks, underwear, etc. to create a small survival kit.

GLAMIgreeksPandemicshopping habitssurveyUkraineWar