The PRAXI/FORTH Network coordinates the largest network of Technology Transfer Offices in Greece 

Ten important academic and research institutions of the country have proceeded to the substantial cooperation for the promotion, support and exploitation of the new knowledge produced by the research activity, through the establishment of the largest network of Technology Transfer Offices in Greece
The PRAXI/FORTH Network coordinates the largest network of Technology Transfer Offices in Greece 
FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas) the University of Crete, the Technical University of Crete and the University of the Aegean, as bodies that have specific policies on the validation and exploitation of new knowledge, as well as organized structures for the support of technology transfer issues, agreed to cooperate in order to utilize the available know-how, networks and resources, aiming at the systematic and organized exploitation of research results.
“For the first time, 10 institutions in the country with significant research activity in a range of scientific fields, jointly recognize the importance of utilizing new knowledge and align their policies and targeting in this direction. We believe that this effort, unique by Greek and European standards, will soon lead to a visible impact on the economy and society“, states Mr. Panagiotis Karniouras, Director of the PRAXI Network of FORTH.
This collaboration promises large-scale synergies, both at a geographical level, as it includes all greek and research institutions based in island Greece, as well as in interdisciplinary areas, as the participating institutions are active in various thematic areas, such as health and biotechnology, ICT, energy, materials, the environment and agro-food.
“The Foundation for Research and Technology- Hellas, utilizing the valuable and extensive experience of the PRAXI Network and the Scientific and Technological Park of Crete, in matters of technology transfer and exploitation of research results, is going to act as a catalyst for the development of the largest network of Technology Transfer Offices in Greece.”, said the President of FORTH, Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis.
The strengthening of the communication channels between FORTH and leading Research and Academic Institutions offers ample opportunities for interdisciplinary interaction and collaborations, which promise to bring multiple benefits for the country’s scientific ecosystem. Initiatives, such as this one, which contribute to the reversal of the leakage of our great human resources abroad, and strengthen the interconnection of research with entrepreneurship, are a timeless priority of the Foundation.
It is a dynamic venture that invests in directions with a significant and beneficial impact on the economy and society, strengthening Greece’s position on the global map of the exploitation of new knowledge and the flourishing of innovative entrepreneurship.”
The network’s actions will also aim at activating the business and investment community of Greece and Europe, while the main advantages of the network are the concentration and recording of all the research activity of the cooperating bodies, the interdisciplinarity and exploitation of networks and collaborations, the geographical focus and the access to different areas and ecosystems.
FORTHGREECEGreek UniversitiesPRAXI Networkscientific ecosystemsynergiesTechnology Transfer Offices