The official launch of SDG House Greece with a vision of sustainability

The initiative is a partnership between the Dutch Embassy and Orange Grove in Greece, with the aim of developing innovative approaches and responsible technologies that contribute to the promotion of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
The official launch of SDG House Greece with a vision of sustainability

On Thursday, June 23, 2022, the inauguration event of SDG House Greece took place, at the new offices of the organization in Athens. SDG House Greece is a new initiative of the Dutch Embassy and Orange Grove in Greece, aiming to develop innovative approaches and responsible technologies that contribute to the promotion of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In particular, Cees van Beek, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Greece, opened the event by addressing the guests by referring to the vision and mission of the newly established SDG House Greece. Alexandra Sarma, General Manager of Orange Grove and SDG House Greece, then analyzed the objectives and areas on which the new initiative will focus, as well as the activities planned in the coming months. Mark Schneiders, CEO of KIT Royal Tropical Institute and SDG house in Amsterdam, then took the floor, describing the work of the SDG House Network in the Netherlands, the know-how it has developed over the years and the impact it creates.The opening speeches concluded with Miltiadis Gouzouris, CEO of HVA International (co-founder of the KIT Royal Tropical Institute), member of the SDG House Council in Amsterdam and one of the founding members of Orange Grove, who stressed that given the challenges facing our planet and humanity, profitability can now only be achieved through the adoption of the 17 Goals for Sustainable Development, pointing out that these should be considered an integral part of entrepreneurship, as well as of any investment.

The representatives of SDG House in Amsterdam and SDG House Greece exchanged honorary gifts and announced the official launch of the initiative in Greece. The event took place at the offices of SDG House Greece which will be hosted at the Orange Grove, and was organized in a closed circle, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Through educational and networking activities, SDG House Greece will support entrepreneurs who want to develop innovations and/or new approaches and introduce them to the market with the aim of accelerating the transition to a more sustainable and equitable future. The initiative will also support young entrepreneurs, from different sectors, who want to integrate sustainability into their culture and business model.The activities of SDG House Greece will include workshops, 1-1 meetings, meetups, fireside chats, among others, and will offer transfer of know-how and exchange of best practices, provided by SDG House Greece or partner organizations.

SDG House Greece, with the motto “Let’s Walk the Talk together” invites entrepreneurs, innovative Startups and organizations to join the community by participating in the exchange of good practices, ideas and know-how that comes from a network of skilled professionals aiming to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The initiative will build on the experience of Orange Grove – the incubator and Startup ecosystem that has supported innovative businesses since 2013 -, on the global network of the Dutch Embassy and on the know-how of the SDG House Network to promote progress in SDGs and create added value.

17 Sustainable Development GoalsDutch EmbassyGREECEinitiativeinnovative approachesORANGE GROVEresponsible technologiesSDG House Greece