The Hellenic Development Bank awards three startups

The Hellenic Development Bank awards three startups

The Hellenic Development Bank – HDB proceeded to the award of three startups created by distinguished greek scientists in order to utilize the results of their research, within the framework of the work of the important scientific institution “Researchers’ Night.”

According to the bank’s announcement, at the ceremony held at the offices of the Hellenic Development Bank – HDB, the president and CEO, Athina Chatzipetrou, the vice president of HDB, Pantelis Tzortzakis and the Director of Business Innovation, Panagiotis Papageorgiou, welcomed the CEOs of BioAssist, DNA SEQUENCE SLR &eNIOS to award them the prizes, accompanied by the entry of businesses in the new platform “InnoAgora powered by HDB” through which they will have a direct interface with investors. In addition, the award-winning companies will receive mentoring services and other specialized consulting services from HDB executives.

Hatzipetrou, after thanking Professor Tonia Moropoulou for organizing “Researchers’ Night”, which “brings us closer to the world of research and innovation”, as she pointed out, addressing the CEOs of businesses, stated, among other things: “Research generates hope. Hope for the future, as it opens up new horizons and provides solutions to modern challenges. Research is a driving force for the academic and business community. Your distinction recognizes and justifies your efforts.

We are here to help you in the next steps of your journey. With the entrance to “InnoAgora”, the new digital community created by HDB, which is hosted on the huge EuroQuity platform, of the French Bpifrance, you will now have the opportunity to meet business partners from all over the European Union and become visible to more than 2,000 investors. At the same time, together with our specialized executives, we will stand by providing you with consulting services / mentoring and know-how, where needed.

The companies that excelled and received the awards are:


BioAssist is the first greek ICT services company addressed to the elderly and chronic patients. With the onset of the Internet of Things in every aspect of human activity, the eHealth sector acquires a special significance and access to remote monitoring services becomes a simple, direct and friendly process. Only with an Internet connection, BioAssist’s application saves time and money, enabling patients to maintain contact with their relatives and their attending physician everywhere and always.


e-NIOS designs innovative intelligent information systems for integrated management of gene/ biomedical data in the direction of developing effective processes of extraction of molecular markers for research and personalized medicine. The company’s expertise is based on interdisciplinary research experience in the fields of Bioinformatics, Genomics, Computational Intelligence, Data Mining and Decision Support Systems.


DNASequence is a biotechnology company that aims to use innovative techniques for the meta-genomics of the built environment. DNASequence technology is applied, among other things, in the fields of archaeology and art.

DNA sequencing is the process of determining the sequence of nucleic acids (the order of nucleotides in DNA). It includes any method or technology used to determine the range of four bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. Knowledge of DNA sequences has become essential for basic biological research, and in many applied fields, such as medical diagnosis, biotechnology, forensic biology, physiology and biological systematics.

awardsBioAssistDNA SEQUENCE SLRe-NIOSHellenic Development BankResearchers' Nightthree startups