The 4th incubator and acceleration program, egg, starts

Greece’s Eurobank in cooperation with Corallia continue for the 4th year to offer the opportunity for ambitious young men and women to realize their innovative business plans, through the Acceleration and Incubation Program «egg – enter • grow • go» or egg.

At a recent press conference announced the start of the fourth cycle of egg. In this context, young men and women 18-44 years old (there was a widening of the age limits for participation), which have an innovative business idea and want to transform it into a successful business, have the opportunity to submit their applications for participation in the business program acceleration in Greece, until April 4, 2016, at 16:00.

The groups will be selected through the tendering process will have at their disposal for 12 months, a comprehensive business incubation process, acceleration and cooperation that includes a complete set of supporting actions and tools.
In the fourth cycle of egg proposals can be submitted by all sectors of the economy that meet the required characteristics of entrepreneurial innovation, excellence and sustainability.

Some of the achievements of the egg to date:
63 innovative ideas have become companies.
55 new jobs created from the egg companies.
3 submissions for patents.
5 companies have found investors.
10 companies have received the Eurobank concessional funds.
1,5 mil. EUR have been invested in total, to startups who have graduated the previous years.
All companies that have graduated from the first two rounds have kept their business in Greece despite the hostile environment exists for new businesses with the responsibility of Greek state.

The presentation of the new program ended with a brief presentation of three successful graduates from the egg who stressed the great benefits gained from their mentors and general support in many areas.
Heliix, which has received 700 000 euro in the first round of funding, is dealing with heat recovery from various sources to produce electricity, has received a patent also and has 10 employees already.
Owiwi, has developed special strategy online games which can be used by HR departments for the selection of candidates and employees evaluation and training of the existing employees.
Recycglobe, which has created a platform that connects individuals who have recyclables to private and municipal recycling companies.

CORALLIAegg - enter•grow•goeurobankHellixOwiwiRecycglobe