Ten days to participate at “Israel at 70: Innovation at its Best 2018”

If you’re interested in participating at “Israel at 70: Innovation at its Best 2018”, an innovative business competition, in order to claim the grand prize which is an invitation to be part of a business mission to Israel, that will take part on September, 2nd until the 8th, 2018, you have to hurry up! This, since the deadline is set ten days from today. To be more precise, you can participate at “Israel at 70: Innovation at its Best 2018”, until June, 29th, 2018.

Moreover, the specially designed program of the mission to Israel will allow the representative of the winning team to meet with Israeli representatives of venture capital (VC’s) and companies, angel investors and multinational executives. In addition, he will also participate at the innovation festival “DLD Tel Aviv Innovation Festival”, which is the largest conference concerning high-end technology in Israel.

It is pointed out that the Israeli Embassy, ​​in co-operation with Industry Disruptors – Game Changers (ID-GC), are co-organizing the Young Entrepreneurship Promotion Competition in Greece. As for the finalists, they will compete in a pitching event on July 10th, where 5 distinguished judges from Greece and Israel will showcase the winning idea.

DLD Tel Aviv Innovation FestivalGREECEIndustry Disruptors - Game ChangersIsrael at 70: Innovation at its Best 2018