TECS Capital Fund: The first investment in Cyclopt PC

TECS Capital Fund: The first investment in Cyclopt PC

TECS Capital Fund announced its first investment in Cyclopt PC, spin-off of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

 Cyclopt offers innovative software quality solutions-Quality as a Service (SaaS model), helping software companies develop and manage high quality software products easier, faster and with bigger security.Cyclopt’s aim is to offer a 360o analysis of software based on ISO/IEC 25010 quality characteristics, with minimum cost and minimum effort.

Cyclopt’s Platform constitutes an online application which embeds in the biggest online codes like GitHub and BitBucket offering customers innovative services aiming at optimizing software production.

TECS Capital Fund focuses on new businesses which exploit technologies of the 4th industrial revolution to develop innovative software and hardware solutions.Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnologies,etc, are some technologies that are included in the above category. TECS Capital Fund has been funded by the Hellenic Development Bank.

“We are convinced that the company is developing an innovative and technologically advanced solution for software companies and for us Cyclopt is ready to compete internationally achieving essential goals. Also, Cyclopt is one of the most promising companies in the emerging ecosystem of Thessaloniki.”,stated Sotiris Siagas, TECS Capital associate.

“We want to thank TECS Capital for the support and we are all looking forward to this cooperation as it is essential for the achievement of our future plans and in order to recruit our team with more talented people and offer even more innovative solutions.”,commented Michalis Papamichail, CEO of Cyclopt.

“Cyclopt is one of the recent spin-off companies of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki which proves the excellent quality of research that is conducted here and the brilliant human resources that creates innovative software solutions.I would like to thank TECS Capital Fund for the trust in our people,the University and the aspirations we have about the future.”,noted Efstratios Stylianidis,Vice Rector for Research and Lifelong Learning.

4th industrial revolutionAristotle University of ThessalonikiArtificial IntelligenceCycloptNanotechnologiesTECS Capital Fund