SWISS to increase long-haul services in its winter schedules

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is to expand its range of long-haul services in the coming winter schedules in response to continuing growing demand.
SWISS to increase long-haul services in its winter schedules

SWISS will be expanding its range of long-haul services in the coming winter schedules to offer its customers even more attractive travel options. The destinations which will receive more SWISS services this winter include Miami (USA), Shanghai (China), Singapore (Singapore) and Cairo (Egypt). SWISS will also continue to make every possible effort to maintain maximum stability throughout its flight schedules.

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is to expand its range of long-haul services in the coming winter schedules in response to continuing growing demand.

Frequencies to Miami in Southern Florida will be doubled from their summer 2023 levels to up to 14 weekly flights. Shanghai in China will return to receiving six-times-weekly service this winter, three frequencies more than have been offered during the present summer season. Singapore will revert to daily SWISS service through the addition of one further weekly flight. Egypt’s capital Cairo will also be served daily in the coming winter timetable period.

“SWISS is currently experiencing a lot of demand and a still strong desire to travel, despite all the economic and political uncertainties,” explains SWISS Chief Commercial Officer Tamur Goudarzi Pour. “We’re very pleased to be further expanding our range of long-haul services this coming winter, within the overall framework of our long-term network planning, to offer our customers an even more attractive choice of flights. But while doing so, it remains our paramount objective to provide our passengers with stable and reliable flight operations.”

SWISS travellers will be offered a total of 21 long-haul destinations in the coming winter schedules (see table below).

The winter timetable period runs from 29 October 2023 to 30 March 2024.

long-haul servicesSWISSwinter schedules