Space Hellas: Member of the «6G Infrastructure Association»

SNS/6G networks will form the basis for the development of a huge range of innovative applications
Space Hellas: Member of the «6G Infrastructure Association»

Space Hellas participates as a full member of the 6G Infrastructure Association (6G IA), which is the voice of the European industry for research and innovation in next generation networks and services, since February 2022. The primary goal of 6G IA is to contribute to Europe’s leadership in 5G, beyond 5G and 6G.

Space Hellas is one of the 40 Industrial Partners of the “6G Infrastructure Association” and already participates in “closed” calls under the 6G Smart Networks and Services (SNS) Joint Undertaking (participation in 6 proposals).

THE SNS/6G networks will form the basis for the development of a huge range of innovative applications. These applications are related to “smart” cities, health, automation of production, “smart” electric grids, autonomous vehicles, etc. 6G is expected to focus on the convergence of the digital and real worlds, through artificial intelligence, distributed computing resources and the two-way flow of information.

6G-IA brings together a global industrial community of telecommunications and digital operators, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, businesses and ICT Institutes, carrying out a wide range of activities in strategic fields, such as standardization, frequency spectrum, R&D projects, technological skills, collaboration with key vertical industry sectors, with the main purpose of developing “trials” and successful international cooperation.

6G Infrastructure Associationinnovative applicationsmemberSNS/6G networksSpace Hellas