Sony and Honda join forces about electrification

Giant electronics company Sony and automobile manufacturer Honda announced their intention to form a “strategic alliance” to develop and produce electric vehicles, which they will market from 2025.

The two Japanese groups plan to set up a joint venture as early as this year to develop and sell “electric vehicles with a high added-value battery” and provide mobility services together.

“Through this alliance with Honda, which has amassed a significant global experience and skills in the automotive industry over many years, Sony wants to develop its vision of making the mobility space an emotional space,” commemted its president and CEO Kenichiro Yocinda.

“Although Sony and Honda have many historical and cultural things in common, our areas of technological expertise are very diverse. That’s why I believe that this alliance, by combining the forces of our two companies, will offer great potential for the future of mobility,” said Toshihiro Mibe, Honda’s CEO.

This Japanese automotive group last year set the ambitious target of selling 100% electric vehicles around the world by 2040 and making colossal investments in research and development over six years.

Also for years Sony has not hidden its growing desire to become a player with full activity in the car market, to which it already provides cameras, audiovisual equipment and other high-tech products.

electric vehiclesHondaSonystrategic alliance