Silicon Valley Goes to the UK

Silicon Valley comes 2 the UK is a not-for-profit volunteer-led invitation-only series of events that bring together early stage investors, successful serial entrepreneurs, students and alumni with leading serial entrepreneurs and investors to discuss and debate how and why they have come to create and fund today’s most disruptive technologies that aim to change our world.

It was founded eight years ago by Ellen Levy (Investor, Advisor and tech company exec) and co-Chairmen Reid Hoffman (Founder of Linkedin) and Sherry Coutu CBE (Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor) to support the ecosystem for entrepreneurs in the UK. It brings leading Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, investors and thought leaders to the UK to explore ideas and to ignite local entrepreneurship.

SVC2UK 2014 will take place in Cambridge and London on 19, 20 and 21 November 2014 and once again we will be engaging with leaders in health-tech and ed-tech that brought together with CEOs of high growth companies and university students will help shape the future. SVC2U events will run concurrently in Manchester and Derby.

You can find out the full programme here: