Renthis2me: The Greek “Airbnb” of item rental

The item rental platform was founded by three students in South Crete
Renthis2me: The Greek “Airbnb” of item rental

Renthis2me raised funding of 5,000 and 10,000 euros from the “European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT)”. Renthis2me is the first platform in Greece where visitors have the opportunity to rent their items to other people, and Renthis2Me could be described as the “Airbnb” of everyday items. The purpose of the Greek Startup is to reshape consumer habits and combat hyper-consumerism, creating a channel of communication between two worlds, those looking for specific objects for temporary use and those that have them and do not use them.

Renthis2me was awarded in 2020 in the nationwide innovation competition “Youth Entrepreneurship Club (YEC)”, with the third place and then joined the incubator of “OK!thess” where the founders met their mentor, K. Tsoniotis. Renthis2Me is currently in the accelerator of the Kapodistrian University and belongs to the nationwide database of “Elevate Greece.”

The idea that “gave birth” to the Startup arose, in the summer of 2020 in South Crete, from the concern of three students: “We want more than we can get!” This is a problem that most young people face, probably due to lack of money. Renthis2Me provides the solution to both problems since everyone can rent anything they need or earn “smartmoney from items that everyone has in their home.

awardEITElevate GreeceFUNDINGINCUBATORitem rentalOK! ThessRenthis2me