PRAXI Network as innovation “accelerator” in business environment

PRAXI Network as innovation “accelerator” in business environment

“Innovation and new knowledge are a lever for business development. At PRAXI Network we work daily for the dynamic transformation of SMEs through the enhancement of their innovative capacity in products, production processes and services and their dynamic integration into international and national networks”.

PRAXI Network , a unit of the Foundation for Research and Technology- Hellas, started from the need to link research with production and evolved into one of the most important organizations supporting innovation and technology transfer at European level.

With 30 years of experience and know-how, employing more than 30 executives of high academic training, with presence in five cities of Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki, Heraklion, Patras, Volos) and strong international networks of partners, it serves as a reference point for the interconnection of research with the business community and for issues of technology transfer and exploitation of research results, providing high added value services to companies, foundations and organizations, both in regional and national level.

The “PRAXI Network” as coordinator of the Greek hub of the Enterprise Europe Network

Since 2008, PRAXI Network is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network, the world’s largest network of integrated services and support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with activity in more than 60 countries.Constantly expanding its presence to more distant international markets, such as China, India, Japan, Brazil, Canada and the USA, the Enterprise Europe Network provides services to each country through consortium of experienced organizations, such as chambers of commerce and industry, development companies and technology centers.

With the main objective of substantially supporting the Greek innovation ecosystem, PRAXI Network is the coordinator of the Greek Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas providing international business cooperation services, information on European policies, services for innovation and technology transfer, as well as services to encourage the participation of SMEs in European research and technology programs.

The “PRAXI Network” as a national contact point for the new Horizon Europe programme 2021-2027

Since 1998, PRAXI Network is a National Contact Point for the European Commission‘s framework programmes for research and innovation, being an official body for informing and supporting Greek organizations for their participation in them.As a National Contact Point for the new Horizon Europe Programme 2021-2027 in 14 thematic areas, PRAXI Network provides information, advisory support, education and mediation services to academic institutions, research centers, businesses, public bodies and other organizations with the main objective of their successful integration into the innovation ecosystem through appropriate financial tools.

Technology Ttansfer Office (TTO)

The unit of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the PRAXI Network provides a comprehensive set of services to research organizations, fully covering the spectrum of technology transfer in the triptych: Research – Innovation – Development.

The services provided are addressed to all stages of development and exploitation of research activity, covering a wide range of needs, as these vary according to the degree of maturity and, among others, include consulting for finding funding, the recognition of technological innovation, the protection of intellectual property rights, market analysis, the selection and evaluation of optimal business models, the attraction of investment capital and the commercial exploitation of technology through the establishment of spin-offs or the granting of licenses.

The Technology Transfer Office has a large network of partners from the research, business and investment field, while ensuring the necessary communication with the national business community and access to international network channels.

business environmentEnterprise Europe Networkinnovation acceleratorPRAXI NetworkSMEs